Saturday, September 22, 2012


Weight: 194.6 (-20.4 lbs since start)
Body Fat %: 14.1% (-5.3% total)

Since I last posted, three weeks ago, I've lost about 5 pounds, 1.3% body fat, and another inch off my waist. Not too shabby!

However, the main reason I wanted to post today is because I just took progress pictures of myself. I went back and compared them to the beginning pictures and I'm completely shocked. (Don't worry I'll post them at the end of this all!)  It is hard to see visual progress when you're always looking at yourself everyday in the mirror, but having done these pictures and seeing where I've come since March, I'm even more motivated to keep at it.

If you think this might be something for you, I say go for it. Depending on where you're at or what your goals are, I think taking pictures of yourself is a good way to track long-term progress. I know I have changed since March, but seeing pictures of what I looked like back then, it's really shocking and motivating!

Keep at it people! Day by day is the best way to achieve your goals! I know you can do it!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Weight: 199.4 (-15.6 lbs since start)
Body Fat %: 15.4 (-4% total)
Body Measurements: Waist - down 7 inches. Hips - down 4 inches. Chest - down 1.5 inches. Arms - down 0.5-1 inch. Right thigh - down 1.5 inches. Left thigh - down 2.5 inches.

So it's been about 4 months since my last post. In that time, I've started grad school for physical therapy, finished my first quarter of grad school, and also finished my last workout plan I was blogging about. To refresh your memories, I did a 90-day plan that I did actually finish all the way through. I don't know my exact stats at the 90 day point, but I was pleased with where I was given the big change of moving across the country and getting used to a new schedule.

With that being said, a few weeks ago I started a new workout plan. I like to keep my body guessing so I can see more consistent results. This time I've moved to heavier lifting with lower reps to try and build muscle with the intent of losing more fat during and after my workouts. I've said this before in one of my previous posts, but when you have more muscle you burn more fat. Since switching to this, I've lost about 5 pounds and about one percent body fat, and I've done this relatively quickly. I have made sure to keep my diet healthy, which has helped a lot.  A big key is eating protein for every time I eat and having a protein shake after my workouts. I lift three days a week and then do some cardio workouts on the other days (swimming or sometimes some interval training cardio video workouts).

From where I was when I started in March, being down almost 16 pounds, but more importantly 4% body fat, I'm happy with my accomplishments so far.  With my new workout, and based on how it's gone so far, I think I can get to my goals even quicker as long as I stay eating healthy.

A word of encouragement to everyone reading this who may be striving to accomplish something: Keep it up. Don't give up. I know they are simple words, but keep at it. It will be worth it all in the end. Use whatever you have to keep you motivated. Whatever small accomplishments you've made, hold onto them and use them to propel you further towards your ultimate goal. Give yourself constant reminders of motivation that will keep you going!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 60 Folks

Stats: (I'm gonna start posting these on top, as I think they're too important to be hidden on the bottom)
Weight: 199 (-16 lbs since start)
Body fat %: 16.8 (-2.6% total)

Today is day 60 of my journey. And I am feeling GOOD. I finally got under 200 pounds, which is a good milestone for me! I always feel better when I'm under 200, and I can't wait to get to what it feels like to be even less! I've been as low as 175 lbs when I graduated both high school and college, but I was what they would call "soft". I wasn't eating right, just cutting calories, but not necessarily eating the good calories. To remind everyone, the goal is to get to 185, see where my body fat % is at, and re-evaluate my goal. I've got 14 more pounds to go, so I'm over halfway! Then my goal is to get down to 10% body fat and re-evaluate that when we get there. I really have no idea what my ideal body weight for me and my height should be, so I'm excited to get there.

Anyways, I can tell I'm putting on some muscle, or getting toned, whichever one it is! I seem to go through the week trading off losing weight and losing fat. Typically on the days I'm not losing weight, I go to my body fat percentage reader and see that the number has gone down. Small victories people! Take 'em and keep pushing yourself!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 36, Phase 2, & Small Victories

Today is day 36 and the start of Phase 2 of my workout and diet. This is the start of the 6th week. I have yet to miss a workout and my diet is going well. I was even good today for Easter (no candy and kept the Easter lunch modified to not overdo it!) I've now encountered 2-3 different occasions where sweets have been readily available to me and I have not given in. I figure if I don't know what I'm missing, I won't really want it. But if I just took one bite, I'd want to go back for more. So none of that for me!

Phase 2 adds some more difficult workouts into my routine, which I'm excited about. I had one this morning and my muscles were burning! I definitely had those post-workout weak muscle shakes, if you know what I mean.  My diet will pretty much stay the same, with the addition of two 100-calorie high-protein snacks/additions to my meals. This is to help my body repair the muscles from my more intensified workouts!

I also want to quickly talk about the importance of small victories. In order to get small victories, though, you need to make small goals. See, for some people, losing "x" amount of weight doesn't change much in their appearance. At least to themselves. So while some people can lose 5-10 pounds and see visual results (which are very rewarding), some people don't have that satisfaction. That's why finding satisfaction in small victories is important to help you keep on track to your ultimate goal. For me, I've lost almost 13 pounds and I don't think I look much different. However, I need to appreciate that number from the scale because that is my victory. Losing almost 2% body fat is my victory. Losing a few inches off my waist, hips, and legs is a victory. I need to delight in these small victories and be proud of those accomplishments, otherwise I won't make it to the end goal.

I challenge you to make small goals along the way to your ultimate goal, and be proud of yourself for achieving them. Then, let it make you even hungrier to reach your ultimate goal!

Weight: 202-203 (down 12-13 total)
Body Fat %: 17.8 (down 1.6% total)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 29

So it's been about 20 days since my last post. Time flies! I'm still staying true to my workout and diet plan. It really isn't too hard. As long as I do my grocery shopping I'm good to go! And that means buying the right foods. You can't mess up if you don't buy bad food in the first place.

The thing I've noticed the most these past few weeks is that my body and mind just feel "good". I haven't eaten much processed food, mainly eating fresh fruits, veggies, and meats, along with dairy and limited wheat/bread products. My body just feels "fresh" if that makes any sense.

Today added a new video workout to my routine, and I'm excited to start doing it more as it's implemented throughout the next phase of my workout. My muscles were burning a lot... and that's good! No pain, no gain!

I've really made the effort lately to keep my abs engaged in all my workouts and even just walking around, and I'm getting better at it! I plan to continue this as it is really helping all my exercises and posture too.

Weight: 203-204 (down 11-12 lbs since Day 1)
Body Fat %: 18.3 (down 1.1% since Day 1)

Keep your head high this week and see what you can accomplish! I'm a big optimist, so I encourage you to take this week and try and find positives out of everything. It will keep your morale up! You'd be surprised. Nobody likes being in a bad mood. SMILE!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 9

So I have completed my first week of the diet and workout plan.  Pretty good so far! I lost 7 pounds and 0.5% body fat!  Not bad!  I'm really enjoying my workouts and the food I'm making is delicious, filling, and healthy!

One of the hardest things for me to do is always keeping my abs engaged/contracted when I work out!  I'm really trying to focus on this the next few days and hopefully it becomes easier.

Weight: 208
Body Fat%: 18.9

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 2

Today was another good day.  Oddly, there was no workout for today.  My logic tells me with the little amount of calories I'm putting in this week, that my workouts are working hand in hand with my body adjusting to the calorie decline.

Again, 1200 calories today.  One thing that I've learned in just the first two days of this is how much we, or maybe just me, think about food.  I like to remind myself that I need to eat to live and not live to eat.  So much of our culture has brainwashed us to always gravitate towards food.  I am realizing that I don't need a ton to be able to survive and get by.  (I do realize that I can't go forever with 1200 calories/day, but it's the principle).

I forgot to take pictures of breakfast and lunch today, but here was dinner, it was tasty!

Grilled shrimp on mixed greens (lemon juice and salt and pepper) and quinoa with almond slivers.

Breakfast was 1/3 cup of cottage cheese, almond slivers, and 2 apricots.
Lunch was a pita with 3 oz of beef with mustard and lettuce. Sides of red peppers and cucumber!

Hope you all had productive days!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 1

And we're off! The first week of my fitness plan has started! As far as the diet, this week I am eating 1200 calories a day for just the first seven days. It is a "jump-start" to get everything going. Coincidentally, the workouts aren't too bad yet. I burned 300 calories in my 30 minutes, which isn't horrible. I think it may coincide with the low-cal diet. The workouts are basic right now, but it's good to get the basics in before I move on to the hard stuff. I'm excited to get week 2 started as I'll be able to eat a bit more, but also have much challenging workouts. First, I must get through this week.

This morning I took before pictures and measured my stats. I'm debating when exactly to post the before pictures.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were very tasty today, and the snacks weren't bad either!

Scrambled egg whites, feta cheese, chopped up tomatos all in a pita. And fresh melon!

Chicken Wrap with tomato and lettuce, celery, and red bell peppers 

Cod, steamed spinach, small baked potato, and Asparagus

Weight: 215
Body Fat %: 19.4%
I also measured my chest, arms, waist, hips, and thighs. We'll see how this all goes!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Full Exposure

I am starting a whole new workout plan and diet. I've gotten to a point where I've hit a plateau, and actually gained some weight (fat and muscle). I've been working out and dieting consistently for over a year now and though I've changed some things throughout to keep things fresh, I've gotta start something new. Something completely different. And something that minimizes my mistakes and helps my discipline.

That's where the Les Mills Pump workout comes in. I made an investment into my health and fitness and am going all out. The workout has become famous in many gyms all over the world. They made it into a home DVD workout series, and I'm excited to get it started. They've provided me a workout calendar for 90+ days, and a whole diet plan for that time period. No joke, they have given me everything I need to eat and do for the next 90 days. And the food recipes look good!

So, by all out, I mean all out. I need to motivate myself like I never have before, so I'm thinking of posting before, during, and after pictures. AND maybe posting some video blogs along the way. What do y'all think?

To be honest, I am embarrassed of how I've let myself, my weight, and my health get to be the way it is. I know I can do this, I just gotta fight through it all. Because of that, I really want to put myself out there to motivate myself to a healthier me.

For those of you who would like to join me on this journey, feel free to stay tuned and follow my blog. This is a friendly and encouraging place for us all. I hope that opening up and exposing some of my weaknesses (both physically and mentally) will encourage others to do so wherever they see fit.

I plan on starting my 90-day plan on Sunday, as I spend the next day or two getting my grocery list together to start off my first week.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Friendly Encouragement

As I sit here on a plane flying back home from a physical therapy school interview, I ran out of things to do and decided that hey, I could write an entry for this blog that I created. Probably would be a good idea. I know so many people create blogs and then fade off writing them. I hope to not be one of those people…

Anyways, I want to keep this one brief, as it’s been a while. I want to encourage you all to keep up with, or start again, your workouts and healthy eating habits.  This past semester I’ve learned so much about the human body from some of my classes. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but we have to treat our bodies like we care about them. Take care of your body by feeding it the right fuel and by exercising often. There are so many benefits that you will start to see.

P.S. I will do my best to write more now!