Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 2

Today was another good day.  Oddly, there was no workout for today.  My logic tells me with the little amount of calories I'm putting in this week, that my workouts are working hand in hand with my body adjusting to the calorie decline.

Again, 1200 calories today.  One thing that I've learned in just the first two days of this is how much we, or maybe just me, think about food.  I like to remind myself that I need to eat to live and not live to eat.  So much of our culture has brainwashed us to always gravitate towards food.  I am realizing that I don't need a ton to be able to survive and get by.  (I do realize that I can't go forever with 1200 calories/day, but it's the principle).

I forgot to take pictures of breakfast and lunch today, but here was dinner, it was tasty!

Grilled shrimp on mixed greens (lemon juice and salt and pepper) and quinoa with almond slivers.

Breakfast was 1/3 cup of cottage cheese, almond slivers, and 2 apricots.
Lunch was a pita with 3 oz of beef with mustard and lettuce. Sides of red peppers and cucumber!

Hope you all had productive days!!

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