Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Push It

In honor of my workout today (which was NOT easy), I want to encourage you all to push yourself your next workout.  When you don't think you can go any further, just add another half mile on your run.  Add one more set of lifting.  Change up your workout to make it longer than it normally is.  Keep your body guessing.  It will suck, but at the end of your workout, you'll be glad you did.

Today, and for the rest of my workout plan I'm doing for the remaining 2.5 weeks, I had to increase my weight training from doing a circuit of 3 exercises of 10 reps each, 3 times with 60 seconds rest in between sets, to 3 exercises of 12 reps each, 4 times with 60 seconds rest.  Of course I started struggling after set two!  As soon as that moment hit, I was already trying to think of excuses to cut it down to 10 reps instead of 12 and how I wasn't going to make anywhere near 12 reps by the 4th set.

But after struggling through the 3rd set, I said "screw it".  Screw my mind trying to convince me otherwise.  No pain, no gain.  I wasn't going to let my lack of discipline take over this time.  I was going to finish it.  Yes, I was drenched in sweat and completely out of breath but I was determined.  And you know what?  I did do it.  Why?  Because I didn't let myself tell myself no.  No matter how much it hurt, I was going to do it all.  I did almost died, but I felt proud of myself and actually felt good once my body calmed down.

The best (maybe worst) part of it all?  Once you do it once, there's no retreating.  No going back.  I can't not do it from here on out. :)

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