Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why Health Drill??

Many reasons.  For one, there were a lot of other blog names taken.  Combine that with some impatience and this is what I've come up with.  (I will not oppose other ideas after explaining the purpose of this blog)  Health for obvious reasons, but Drill as another word for exercise, but also a way for this site to be a drill of health.  Not to beat into your heads or shove down your throats, but a routine exercise (or drill) that we go through to help us stay healthy.

But why Health Drill?  I realize there are probably other blogs that do the same thing that I am trying out here, but for the longest time I've wanted to start writing myself.  About something I am passionate about and about something where I can help others.  Exercise has always been a passion of mine, and I love food too, but I've come to appreciate the two together as I've adventured into many diet and exercise routines throughout my young life.

I envision this blog being a place full of questions and encouragement (pertaining to health, nutrition, and exercise - and maybe some other fun non-sense) to all those who read it.  I want anyone and everyone of all ages, gender, weight, experience, etc. to feel comfortable coming to this blog and contributing to conversation and community.

Yes, a lot of it will be based off of what I've been eating lately or how I've been exercising, or the two combined, but I will also bring up discussion from things I've read recently, seen on TV, discussed with a friend, or something someone has brought to my attention.

In this world, there are a lot of success stories, but many many failure stories as well.  Most of the stories told are the ones that end up being successes.  We have all experienced both.  Don't let previous failures affect your future successes to come.  For me, I am hoping this new adventure with this blog will provide not only a success story for me and my constant struggle to be healthy, but for everyone who reads and becomes a part of this community - even if it is just a small success story once a day.


  1. I worked out today...that's a success in itself haha! P.S. congratulations because I'm apparently now a follower of your blog

  2. I'm going to try to follow your blog too! Best of luck in keeping up with it. As for myself, I've found that investing money in working out is a pretty good incentive. I bought a kettlebell and running shoes at the beginning of the summer and I've used them a lot. Mainly because I know I need to get my money's worth out of them.
