Saturday, September 22, 2012


Weight: 194.6 (-20.4 lbs since start)
Body Fat %: 14.1% (-5.3% total)

Since I last posted, three weeks ago, I've lost about 5 pounds, 1.3% body fat, and another inch off my waist. Not too shabby!

However, the main reason I wanted to post today is because I just took progress pictures of myself. I went back and compared them to the beginning pictures and I'm completely shocked. (Don't worry I'll post them at the end of this all!)  It is hard to see visual progress when you're always looking at yourself everyday in the mirror, but having done these pictures and seeing where I've come since March, I'm even more motivated to keep at it.

If you think this might be something for you, I say go for it. Depending on where you're at or what your goals are, I think taking pictures of yourself is a good way to track long-term progress. I know I have changed since March, but seeing pictures of what I looked like back then, it's really shocking and motivating!

Keep at it people! Day by day is the best way to achieve your goals! I know you can do it!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Weight: 199.4 (-15.6 lbs since start)
Body Fat %: 15.4 (-4% total)
Body Measurements: Waist - down 7 inches. Hips - down 4 inches. Chest - down 1.5 inches. Arms - down 0.5-1 inch. Right thigh - down 1.5 inches. Left thigh - down 2.5 inches.

So it's been about 4 months since my last post. In that time, I've started grad school for physical therapy, finished my first quarter of grad school, and also finished my last workout plan I was blogging about. To refresh your memories, I did a 90-day plan that I did actually finish all the way through. I don't know my exact stats at the 90 day point, but I was pleased with where I was given the big change of moving across the country and getting used to a new schedule.

With that being said, a few weeks ago I started a new workout plan. I like to keep my body guessing so I can see more consistent results. This time I've moved to heavier lifting with lower reps to try and build muscle with the intent of losing more fat during and after my workouts. I've said this before in one of my previous posts, but when you have more muscle you burn more fat. Since switching to this, I've lost about 5 pounds and about one percent body fat, and I've done this relatively quickly. I have made sure to keep my diet healthy, which has helped a lot.  A big key is eating protein for every time I eat and having a protein shake after my workouts. I lift three days a week and then do some cardio workouts on the other days (swimming or sometimes some interval training cardio video workouts).

From where I was when I started in March, being down almost 16 pounds, but more importantly 4% body fat, I'm happy with my accomplishments so far.  With my new workout, and based on how it's gone so far, I think I can get to my goals even quicker as long as I stay eating healthy.

A word of encouragement to everyone reading this who may be striving to accomplish something: Keep it up. Don't give up. I know they are simple words, but keep at it. It will be worth it all in the end. Use whatever you have to keep you motivated. Whatever small accomplishments you've made, hold onto them and use them to propel you further towards your ultimate goal. Give yourself constant reminders of motivation that will keep you going!